3 reviews by John Kerry..
Kings Quest

From: John Kerry
Comments: When I become President, I am going to make it illegal to have the video game: Grand Theft Auto Vice City. I will then make it a law that every American Household with children only be allowed to have this game; Kings Quest. I will raise taxes on the middleclass to fund this effort!


Alien Syndrome

From: John Kerry
Comments: This video game is violent! This is an OUTRAGE!


Rambo: First Blood Part II

From: John Kerry
Comments: Whoever has been posting under my name has got me wicked pissed! I, John Kerry, am posting now to help clear up any confusion over my war record in Vietnam. My campaign staff are in the process of distributing pictures of all the babies I killed in Vietnam to various media outlets. Some may be critical of this action, but it will answer many questions. The bottom line is that I was at least in Vietnam while George W. Bush was performing fellatio on his fellow draft-dodgers in Texas and Alabama. Ultimately, I can forgive him of that. One needs to be forgiving of retarded people. They know not what they do. Below is a rating of ten for how great America can become under my benevolence.
